

LibreOffice 是一款功能强大的办公软件,默认使用开放文档格式 (OpenDocument Format , ODF), 并支持 *.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx 等其他格式。
包含了 Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base 以及 Math 等组件,可用于处理文本文档、电子表格、演示文稿、绘图以及公式编辑。

可以运行于 Windows, GNU/Linux 以及 macOS 等操作系统上,并具有一致的用户体验。



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LibreOffice 是国际化的开源项目, 由来自全球的社区成员参与开发。



LibreOffice 由社区创造,任何人都可以参与,不论您是否懂编程。在免费使用软件的同时,欢迎您贡献自己的才能和想法。


LibreOffice 的开发过程完全开放透明,开发、测试和市场推广的各个领域都需要您的参与。

Luxembourg Ministry for Digitalisation contributing to the LibreOffice Conference 2024

Our LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 is taking place in a few weeks in Luxembourg, and the country’s Ministry for Digitalisation wrote to tell us: We are pleased to contribute to the LibreOffice and Open Source Conference with a speech by Luxembourg’s Minister for Digitalisation and Minister for Research and Higher Education, Stéphanie Obertin […]

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Join the LibreOffice Development Workshop at our upcoming conference!

Hossein Nourikhah, our Developer Community Architect, writes: Learn LibreOffice development and boost your software skills including bug management, coding, version management using Git, code review using Gerrit and much more! Our workshop titled “Introduction to LibreOffice development” at the LibreOffice Conference 2024 is a great opportunity for all those who love getting involved with a […]

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LibreOffice 团队招募全职带薪 C++ 程序员,致力于 RTL/CTL/中日韩语言的开发

文档基金会正在招募一名全职 C++ 程序员,从事 LibreOffice 中从右到左RTL、复杂文字布局 RTL、中日韩 CJK 语言相关代码的开发。职位申请截止日期为2024 年 1 月 8 日。

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如何使用LibreOffice API + Python通过暴力破解的方式找到忘记的Office文件密码


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