LibreOffice 是一款功能强大的办公软件,默认使用开放文档格式 (OpenDocument Format , ODF), 并支持 *.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx 等其他格式。
它包含了 Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base 以及 Math 等组件,可用于处理文本文档、电子表格、演示文稿、绘图以及公式编辑。
它可以运行于 Windows, GNU/Linux 以及 macOS 等操作系统上,并具有一致的用户体验。
Nearly a year ago, we posted about the German state of Schleswig-Holstein’s plan to move 30,000 PCs from Microsoft Office/365 to LibreOffice. Now, Stephane Fermigier from EuroStack – which promotes European technological sovereignty and open source – has posted an update, citing an article in the German c’t Magazin. It discusses various reasons for the […]
LibreOffice 25.2 is our new major stable release, with many new features. This video which shows a few of them (also available on PeerTube) is in English but has subtitle translations in 17 languages, thanks to our awesome localisation communities! (You can see their work on this wiki page.) Join them and help to make […]
文档基金会正在招募一名全职 C++ 程序员,从事 LibreOffice 中从右到左RTL、复杂文字布局 RTL、中日韩 CJK 语言相关代码的开发。职位申请截止日期为2024 年 1 月 8 日。